What are UFBs
About UFB
Jasey's Little Bakery

I ran this business from 2011 to 2019, founding it as a 9-year-old selling gluten-free, dairy-free and refined sugar-free but not taste-free baked goods to my neighbors. Since then I have created 50+ pages of signs and labels, a website, business cards and 21 products. I’ve built a 29 page interconnected spreadsheet tracking the price of every ingredient, and the profit from every sale. I’ve entered a youth business competition three years in a row, winning my age category and was also named the Ernst and Young Youth Entrepreneur of the Year. I am certified with the Colorado Cottage Food Act and have been a guest judge at a gluten-free baking competition for the employees of Boulder Brands (they own Udi’s, Earth Balance and Glutino). It’s been a wild ride and I have loved every bit of it. If you want to learn more, check out my website. The photos might be a little old but the baked goods are still just as fresh.
Ernst and Young
Youth Entrepreneur of the Year

When I was 13, I received a call from the Young American’s Bank in Denver (who hosts CYE, see below) telling me they had selected me as “Youth Entrepreneur of the Year” in the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur Competition. I gave a speech at their banquet in front of 500 people from Denver’s business community. Justin, my mentor, attended and I stood on stage with some of Denver’s top entrepreneurs. What an honor. I am so grateful to the Young American’s Bank and Ernst and Young for giving me this incredible opportunity.

Celebration for
Young Entrepreneurs

My homeschool program introduced me to this competition the year after I started my business. The first time I entered I wasn’t chosen for any awards, but was invited to their awards banquet. When we walked in the door we were amazed. The room was full of fancily dressed people with fancy drinks and hors d’oeuvres. They were there to talk to and support young entrepreneurs like me. We met the winners and finalists and were treated to a gourmet meal in a ballroom.
I was impressed and entered again the next year and was selected as one of two finalists in my age category. At the banquet, I had a display table to show my business to other young entrepreneurs and people from the Denver business community. The following year, I entered again and after putting even more effort into my application and my website, I won my age category! I was paired with a mentor, Justin Gold of Justin’s (nut butter), and made a short video with him (see above). Two years later, I was invited to be a judge for the competition. I learned from every part of this experience. I’m so grateful for all the opportunities it has given me.